No matter what stage you are at in your business, there is always more work to be done—and better ways to optimize for growth. Regardless of your current strategy for Ecommerce, Ro Milner LLC can help you achieve the results you’re after.

We operate as a brand management and wholesale partner.  Our main focus is to help you take control of the Amazon channel, improve your positioning, and grow sales. Our primary focus for our wholesale partnerships is growing your brands footprint on Amazon. We’re not in the business of just taking a piece of your company's revenue pie, but in making that pie much, much bigger.


Why choose us

increase sells on slower moving inventory or help launch new prodcuts by optimizing your Amazon product listings and using our proprietary paid ad strategy.

our wholesale partnerships are focused on forming long term relationships with brands. We adhere to MAP policies and we work hard to represent your brand in a professional manner.

once we make our first purchase order, the inventory is our  responsibility. No returns, no buy backs. We pay for your products upfront and take the risk out of your hands.

there are no upfront costs to any of our services. we offer all of this value absolutley free once we begin a WHOLESALE RETAIL PARTNERSHIP.

amazon services offered with all wholesale partnerships. tailored to each brands specific needs. 

Map Enforcement – We are able to use our unique software to automate, monitor, and enforce your MAP Policy while unmasking unauthorized 3rd party sellers.

Exclusive or Semi Exclusive 3rd party seller partnerships – Do you fear that your brand is being diluted by too many re-sellers? Let us help you reduce the number of 3rd party sellers to 1 or 2 responsible sellers. We will stay on the lookout for unauthorized sellers or inaccurate information on your listings, as well as answer in customer questions about your product. With our partnership, you can get back control of your brand.

Brand Registration Services –
If your brand is trademarked, we would also be able to assist in helping you get brand registered. 


Want to learn more about our services and
how it can boost your presence on Amazon?

Fill out this form to see how we can help each other out.

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